Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy for Adults in Colorado & Washington State

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”
― Angela Y. Davis

Therapy is for when

You feel like you've lost touch with yourself and are struggling to understand your own thoughts and emotions.

Having conversations with friends and family has become difficult because they overwhelm you with advice.

You find yourself constantly tending to other people's emotional needs, leaving no space for your own emotions and experiences.

It would be great to have someone in your corner, someone who can help you become the person you want to be, not who they think you should be. You crave someone who is supportive and caring, someone who can help you move forward in your personal growth.

black girl in individual therapy

Therapy is different from what you imagine.

If you're reading this, you're probably ready for therapy, and I am excited that you've decided to make a positive change in your life.

If you're new to therapy, you might have some preconceived notions from TV shows where people lie on a couch and talk about their childhood while staring at the ceiling. But in reality, therapy is much more engaging, conversational, and impactful.

During our sessions, we'll discuss what's going on in your life, and you have the freedom to set the pace and direction of our conversations.

Therapy with me is about YOU.

In therapy, you are unique and your needs are the focus. Each session is tailored to you and how you learn and grow best. Maybe you prefer talking things out to understand how your thoughts impact your feelings about your successes, challenges, relationships, identity, or work.

Perhaps you feel disconnected from yourself and want to learn tools to feel more connected and present in your daily life. Depending on what you need, you may want to explore past experiences that have influenced your sense of self, or you may want to develop skills to manage relationships, cope with stress, or thrive in your daily routine.

Let's work together to get your life back.